More Kookai Leather

Since winter is still raging in full force, I thought I’d do another Kookai Leather Edit.

There a few cute Kookai pieces up on eBay for a fraction of the price and I wanted to share my favourites.


Kookai Quilted Leather Mini Skirt

I actually own this skirt and I can tell you it’s gorgeous.  It has slightly more of an a-line fit rather than a body-con and it really makes this skirt.  Definitely worth investing in this piece and it only $49.

kookai quilted leather mini skirt


Kookai Manhattan Grey Leather Skirt

Another Kookai leather skirt but with a body-con fit.  This one is more of a grey colour which I think makes a lovely change.  Sitting at $99, you can’t go wrong really.


kookai grey Manhattan leather skirt



Kookai Rushmore Leather Waterfall Jacket

At $320, this is a little more expensive than some of the other pieces on there.  Still it’s a fair discount from the original price of $550.


Kookai Rushmore leather waterfall jacket



Kookai Black Leather T-Shirt

This is my favourite piece on eBay at the moment.  Alas, it does not suit my exaggerated figure so I am sharing it with you.  A leather t-shirt is perfect for any occasion – it’s luxe but casual but polished but grungy but chic all at the same time!  It’s only $50 too.  It’s an amazing piece, I highly recommend.

Kookai Black Leather T-Shirt


Kookai Grey Leather Jacket

One of more gorgeous Kookai Leather Jackets that I’ve seen.  Really the photos speak for itself.  The bidding is up to $123.00 so I would get in now and start watching it.  The auction ends in a day.

Kookai Grey Leather Jacket


Kookai Leather Edit

Everyone loves a bit of leather in their wardrobe.  Particularly during the colder months.

And Kookai leather is the best kind in my opinion.  Perfectly tailored and it smells amazing.  Well, I think it smells amazing.

Here are my top picks.


1. Rushmore Leather Jacket RRP $580 – Selling for $380.  Size 38 which is an 8 – 10.

Kookai rushmore leather jacket


2. Peplum Top RRP $240 – Selling for $79. Size 36 which is a 6 -8

Kookai Leather Peplum Top


3. Shift Dress RRP $??? – Selling for $50.  Size 36 which in this case is an 8.

Kookai Leather Shift Dress


4. Eclipse Cropped Jacket RRP $??? . Selling for $107.50.  Size 38 which is an 8 – 10.

Kookai Exclipse Leather Jacket


5.  Leather & Silk Midi Dress RRP $??? I think it was mid 300s.  Selling for $49.95. Size 34 which is a 6.

Kookai Leather and Silk Midi Dress